Accessible Business Center
Accessible elevators
Accessible exercise facility
Accessible guest rooms with mobility features with entry or passage doors that provide 32” of clear width
Accessible meeting rooms
Accessible parking
Accessible public entrance
Accessible registration desk
Accessible route from the accessible public entrance to the accessible guest rooms
Accessible route from the accessible public entrance to the registration area
Accessible route from the hotel’s accessible entrance to the meeting room/ballroom area
Accessible route from the hotel’s accessible public entrance to the business center
Accessible route from the hotel’s accessible public entrance to the exercise facilities
Audible alarms
Audible alerts in elevators
Bathroom doors at least 32 inches wide
Bedroom doors at least 32 inches wide (812 mm)
Braille elevator
Braille room numbers
Closed captioning on televisions or closed captioning decoders
Grab bars in bathroom
Hotel complies with ADA Guidelines
Hotel comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Lowered buttons in elevators
Lowered thermostat controls
Public Areas/Facilities accessible for physically challenged
Room Accessible by Request
Rooms accessible to wheelchairs (no steps)
Serv support animal’s welcome
Strobe alarms
TTY for guest use
Van-accessible parking in the self-parking facility
Visual alarm for hearing impaired
Visual alarms for hearing impaired in hallways
Visual alarms for hearing impaired in public areas
Accessible hotel restaurant
Accessible route from the hotel’s accessible public entrance to at least one restaurant
Unavailable Accessible Features Include:
Evacuation chair available to help evacuate a disabled person
Doorbell w/Audio/Strobe Alert
Lower or Adjustable Closet Rod
Lowered bed
Lowered emergency evacuation instructions
Lowered light switches
Lowered peephole in door
Lowered shelf storage
Lowered sink
Raised toilet seat
Accessible transportation with advance notice
Assistive listening devices for meetings upon request